Danielle Wiebe Burke


Mexican-Canadian violist Danielle Wiebe Burke began her musical studies on violin at an early age. At fifteen, she discovered her love for the viola, performing her solo debut with the Calgary Civic Symphony the following year. A prizewinning finalist in the 15th Sphinx Competition and in the Yale Concerto Competition, she has performed as a soloist throughout Europe and North America, most recently as a quarterfinalist in the 2021 Primrose International Viola Competition.

Danielle is a distinguished chamber musician. Her past festival appearances include Chamberfest Dubuque, where she was a guest artist, Wintergreen Music Festival, Staunton Music Festival, Tanglewood Music Festival, and Yellowbarn Music Festival. Among her past chamber collaborators are members of the Brentano, Borromeo, and Takacs quartets, and soloists such as Yo-Yo Ma, Emmanuel Ax, Donald Weilerstein, Roger Tapping, and Gil Shaham. She has premiered works by Tracy Rush, Christopher Luna Mega, Ethan Braun, and Pulitzer Prize finalist Michael Gilbertson. She holds the John C. Jamison Principal Viola Chair in the Williamsburg Symphony.

A former student of Kim Kashkashian and Ettore Causa, she has a Bachelor of Music from New England Conservatory and both Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees from Yale University.​ Danielle plays a 2009 Stefan-Peter Greiner viola.